Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wasting time and money

It disgusts me to see and know the things I know about politics let alone how the government spends YOUR hard earned money on their extravagant lifestyles and parties. First of all that G-8 meeting that was supposed to be in Muskoka Ontario, carries a price tag that exceeds $1 Billion just on security alone...that money could have went to the shitty public health-care system like medicare (Canada always brags about to the USA) and worked on hiring more doctors to fill a much needed void. Dental, chiropractic, podiatry, and psychological services should all be covered by health-care and not cost citizens anything for the money they pay which is virtually half of their annual income. Why they continue to work is beyond me... Its obvious that system of government doesn't give two hoots about its citizens but rather its banked interest from their slaves...I mean citizens money! After all the G-8 host will be giving free food and beer to all their guests and continue to steal native land and expropriate more resources from them meanwhile Canada is selling the other Gs an "American Dream". PROMOTING CANADA AND ITS INDUSTRIES...tell me what industries? You've sucked up just about all we have, cut all of our trees and hard woods now you want to bring Eucalyptus trees from Australia to make mass plantations for pulp and paper industries and you don't care about the consequences just the money right? Those trees need tons of water if mass plantations are made they will possibly soak up small creeks that feed other lakes and cause more problems.
You know people are apt to "leave civil society" why don't people start exercising some legislation or democratic rights? I know a lot of white people read this and they should maybe they don't see things the way we do, but we help them realize their government is full of shit. I know CSIS is probably an avid reader of my works here and elsewhere but you know what I don't give damn! They ain't as smart as they think they are either...like hell if I'm going to be another philosopher writing my best works in exile like the rest of them! Ha!
Another issue that needs a tissue is the oil spill...do they care no...why? Because the Earth is overpopulated and some people just need to die...fuck saving the gulf and planet Earth right? I didn't see you rush to explore ways to fix this problem but you did continue to allow funding for the Mission to Mars right...when the oil hit our waters you and your corporate bitches better stand by...

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