In case some of you haven't noticed all these social networks have been taking up peoples time more then anything I have ever witnessed with respect to "getting stuff done". It seems as though people no longer know how to act when they see other humans let alone communicate and speak to each other lol...omg..btw...ltrz...ttyl...bff...
Comm is good but too much time doing senseless shit all day long is out of hand. Its ok to surf the web for things that are beneficial for you and your loved ones but not just be snooping into other peoples business like it your own then dwell on it for the day, week, month whatever...and who cares who's driving what and who's sleeping with who's wife/husband...ALL MEN CHEAT and women are pigs just like the men...hard to find a GOOD MAN and a real LADY. When you do you better hold on to them! Sex is all over social networking sites, sassy poses, celebrity gossip, fab's a creative with your lover if not then get a life...stop with the innuendo before you have some pervert in-your-window...and who gives two shits about celebrities and their life do they care about yours? NO! If your into clicking away to lose weight try getting off you ass and walking somewhere instead of sitting on it all day in front of the damn computer or on your apple APPA-FAT-ASS...
Losing weight is hard yes I know but breaking bad habits is even harder...
Look for quality in people services these days...its hard to find let alone a job well done. Stop eating junk...please save your life and your children there are too many chemicals in everything we buy "ready made". LIFE IS TOO SHORT...all I'M ASKING IS THAT PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES MORE THEN THEY DID YESTERDAY AND START TODAY AND LIVE FOR TOMORROW. Choose your fuels wisely drink plenty of water and for heavens sakes stop with all the drunken party pictures on the or two occasions is ok but if all your pictures are party pics then don't cry when your kids turn into junkies and alkis. Our women and men are worth more then a case of beer or a few grams...our survival depends on our decisions of tomorrow.
CHALLENGE: Try going one day with out all this technology stuff, no internet, cell phone, tv, radio, microwave and see what its like. Can you handle it?! If you can do a day try two, three, four and see what happens to the stock market and major corporations (who rely on keeping the populous detached from REALITY)...the reality is
your giving them the power and all your money by this "social bug virus" or psychological control of peoples natural abilities to need...ATTENTION and STIMULATION...
Try thinking of the fact that we used to be able to (40years ago) drink the water straight out of the streams, lakes and rivers. Can you do that today? Why? And what are you doing about it?