Cry me a river Quebec...I really don't care who speaks what. As Natives we speak whatever the oppressor wants us to speak! Natives are trilingual therefore, I don't see the need for people to be arguing over what tongue to use when money is the universal language! Within the Mohawk Nation there are 5 dialects in which every one is understood not including understanding other neighbouring nations and their dialects. Guess we don't get as much credit as we should huh?! The French are just mad at the English for all the (2-300) years of oppression they got and figure this is the only snowballs' chance in hell to have a legitimate argument in parliament. The French have oppressed Natives and now they're feeling their own wrath. Not nice to be on the receiving end is it? We should all just get along and play together and stop fighting over rediculous things like language and focus on real issues like the environment, clean efficiant forms of energy, health, safety and international mutual aid and support for upcoming fiscal obstacles. If the french sovereigns can't even manage their own 'Caisse Populaire' (which lost millions recently) how are they supposed to manage sovereing economy? Quebec has nothing and speaking french is not going to make Canada's money-go-roud! So...I see a more "liberal" quebec in the upcoming provincial election. With all do respect its time we pull our heads out of our @$$&$...there are bigger and better things to talk and worry about in politics on a larger international level, where Canada should be concerned right now. All this talk about Quebec this and Quebec that...who's land is Quebec squatting on anyways? Riddle me that!
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