Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In your face
This may not have been the best approach to stating the views from First Nations eyes, but I never say something without counciling the issue and diliberating on it first with all three clans. It was theraputic and educational, now hopefully we all learned something. We are all here together and must live together, but so much will be tolerated until something is done about it. Yes it is blunt, some may even say rude and obsurde, well hey, someone's gotta take one for the team right? I had to get if off my chest and let everyone know what's going on and the thoughts and motives behind it all in the shortest way possible. I just took 4-500 years of history and compressed it into 2 months of blogging. This is a powerful tool. Now maybe First Nations and the government can do something about it before people lose their minds! The 7th Generation is the concern, not the economy, point systems, and the french language.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thank you!
Just want to say thank you for all who read this blog, it was only a test, and not a real world publication! It was merely a project and I had fun doing it, so if your the idiot who called my school bitching about the content then you should go to school and do something about it diplomatically! Believe me you don't want to hear what I really think! Have fun with your newly elected leaders because I already knew who was going to be in office way before anyone else! I'm always two steps ahead...or to the side depending on how much I had to drink!
Double Jeopardy, Who wants to be a millionaire or Family Feud?
Who makes money and where does it come from? for $100
What is the Federal Reserve? $1,000
Who is John D. Rockafellar? $10,000
What is Jekyll Island? $100,000
What amendment was changed to pave the way for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913? $1,000,000
Bonus Round
When is congress most likely to pass a bill?
Answer: When every one is on vacation!
Go look for the answers if you don't know them then fax them to the White House and demand your money and reposesed property back, and prosecute the sentinel CEO, and President who keeps manipulating the system, that is totally unconstitutional and illegal.
What is the Federal Reserve? $1,000
Who is John D. Rockafellar? $10,000
What is Jekyll Island? $100,000
What amendment was changed to pave the way for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913? $1,000,000
Bonus Round
When is congress most likely to pass a bill?
Answer: When every one is on vacation!
Go look for the answers if you don't know them then fax them to the White House and demand your money and reposesed property back, and prosecute the sentinel CEO, and President who keeps manipulating the system, that is totally unconstitutional and illegal.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The G20 meeting on Saturday seems to have brought all the fear out in the open with much speculation as to where money is coming from and where the rest of it went. No one wanted to point fingers but speculation was that it stems from the U.S. Duh! It looks to me as though GW is covering his tracks and making sure no one ever pulls the biggest scam in world history as good as him and his daddy did. Hence your new credit and bank protocols, offshore account this, money laundering that...WHATEVER! It just seems like somethig is not right. He is and will remain the worst President the U.S. has ever had. He even outdoes Nixon. Japan wanted to lend the U.S $100 billion, but the U.S. still owes China $100 is going on here? If you still owed the bank $100 do you think they would lend you another $1,000? He loses $100 billion in "unmarked bills" last year and two military transport planes heading for the middle-east...(wonder why he couldn't just wire it to them), stocks crash, 911, in "ressession" another nice word for "depression", job market is going down and everyone is cool with that? The Kings and Queens better start reviving the 'New World' again, their settlers need financial assistance again...oh wait I forgot they claimed "independance and sovereignty"! Looks like some people were irresponsible with their allowances and went over budget...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Another cool link to consider
Do they teach you this is school? Of course not! If they keep us out of sight...we're out of mind! So are our lands, restituion, freedoms, and culture.
Do they teach you this is school? Of course not! If they keep us out of sight...we're out of mind! So are our lands, restituion, freedoms, and culture.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
English/French, French/English...Fringlish, Whaaa whaa whaaaa!
Cry me a river Quebec...I really don't care who speaks what. As Natives we speak whatever the oppressor wants us to speak! Natives are trilingual therefore, I don't see the need for people to be arguing over what tongue to use when money is the universal language! Within the Mohawk Nation there are 5 dialects in which every one is understood not including understanding other neighbouring nations and their dialects. Guess we don't get as much credit as we should huh?! The French are just mad at the English for all the (2-300) years of oppression they got and figure this is the only snowballs' chance in hell to have a legitimate argument in parliament. The French have oppressed Natives and now they're feeling their own wrath. Not nice to be on the receiving end is it? We should all just get along and play together and stop fighting over rediculous things like language and focus on real issues like the environment, clean efficiant forms of energy, health, safety and international mutual aid and support for upcoming fiscal obstacles. If the french sovereigns can't even manage their own 'Caisse Populaire' (which lost millions recently) how are they supposed to manage sovereing economy? Quebec has nothing and speaking french is not going to make Canada's money-go-roud! So...I see a more "liberal" quebec in the upcoming provincial election. With all do respect its time we pull our heads out of our @$$&$...there are bigger and better things to talk and worry about in politics on a larger international level, where Canada should be concerned right now. All this talk about Quebec this and Quebec that...who's land is Quebec squatting on anyways? Riddle me that!
Just imagine this for a moment!
If no one realized this, now is the time...we have a black 'Head of State' Her Excellency Michaelle Jean, President Barak Obama, and his new crew which will be more colorful I hope...
Now if the brother man really wanted to get even with the oppressor, now would be the perfect opportunity! Hahahaha! I bet them southern white supremesists are just burnin' in their oil fields! They looked like they wanted to cry when Obama won his victory! Those faces were classic "Kodak moments"! Maybe the American money that looks like a bunch of "baseball cards with slave owners on it" can be changed to something a bit more valuable. I'm sure the President can start with the small things that make a BIG statement. Then close down Gitmo and reconsider their position in the middle-east. After all 'of principality' is usually better favored and let's see where he goes and doesn't go in this term of office that will obviously affect Canada and all Red Man alike. Funny how the black man won the power before the red man in his own land. Now that my friends is sad, but all the power to them. Just goes to show you how much they think of us! As Chris Rock would say "I want you to get low, lower than low, lower than a pregnant ants stomach low"! Power to those People, say it loud "I'm Black and I'm proud", they better be because they beat us to the finish! Kuddos!~
BTW, has anyone stoped to question why white people so willingly let black people take the lead all of the sudden when not long ago they had to sit in the back of the bus and couldn't drink from the same water fountains? If America gets whacked with war suddenly are they gonna blame it on them right away?! Cause I can totally see that happening...Bush fu*#ed up so bad and left it all for this poor guy to fix. If I were Mr. President Obama, I would make sure that all of Bush's Acts he created bit him in the ass on the way out of the White House...see who has diplomatic immunity after that?!!! If I were President or Prime Minister I would be having a field day with these a_holes!
Now if the brother man really wanted to get even with the oppressor, now would be the perfect opportunity! Hahahaha! I bet them southern white supremesists are just burnin' in their oil fields! They looked like they wanted to cry when Obama won his victory! Those faces were classic "Kodak moments"! Maybe the American money that looks like a bunch of "baseball cards with slave owners on it" can be changed to something a bit more valuable. I'm sure the President can start with the small things that make a BIG statement. Then close down Gitmo and reconsider their position in the middle-east. After all 'of principality' is usually better favored and let's see where he goes and doesn't go in this term of office that will obviously affect Canada and all Red Man alike. Funny how the black man won the power before the red man in his own land. Now that my friends is sad, but all the power to them. Just goes to show you how much they think of us! As Chris Rock would say "I want you to get low, lower than low, lower than a pregnant ants stomach low"! Power to those People, say it loud "I'm Black and I'm proud", they better be because they beat us to the finish! Kuddos!~
BTW, has anyone stoped to question why white people so willingly let black people take the lead all of the sudden when not long ago they had to sit in the back of the bus and couldn't drink from the same water fountains? If America gets whacked with war suddenly are they gonna blame it on them right away?! Cause I can totally see that happening...Bush fu*#ed up so bad and left it all for this poor guy to fix. If I were Mr. President Obama, I would make sure that all of Bush's Acts he created bit him in the ass on the way out of the White House...see who has diplomatic immunity after that?!!! If I were President or Prime Minister I would be having a field day with these a_holes!
$ vs Reality
A whole lot of talk and never enough action is what I see in politics. We may laugh at this statement and agree with it, but that in itself is even more sad. That says your accepting procrastination and delays of social evolution towards positive changes for the betterment of the human race. Why does everyone have to have a power struggle all the time? Why do humans have the need to control the planet? They actually don't control anything. We were put here to have the human experience and care for the lands we walk, eat and hunt from. That's common sense don't you think? If you have something and you don't take care of it does it last? If you have something and don't nurture it does it live? We as humans with western colonial mindsets have done more harm to the planet than any other living organism that has ever walked the face of the Earth in all of its existance. Have you ever seen satellite imagery of the North American continent since the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's to the present? If not then start might realize just how little we actually have left since everything is now covered in cement and ashphalt. Not only that but imagine now all the people who are crammed and stacked ontop of eachother in the urban settings. What happens when you have too many fish in your fish bowl? The water gets cloudy and they start to die right? The illusion the U.S. keeps the whole world under by borrowing and coaxing resources (NAFTA) out of countries and just printing more money to pay for it makes me sick. I guess we can say that's the reason counterfeiting is illegal...they can't afford the competition! The animals are getting harder to find and most are sick, people are getting sick from all kinds of whatevers we never heard of, and politicians are making up new things to keep the general populus numb to what's really going on behind the rich velvet curtain. Where does it end when the sun or nuclear bomb fries us? When we poison ourselves from our own filth and the rich elite say "sucks to be you, we'll be on another planet for a few generations till things blow over". I think Barak Obama better put Suge Knight as his Secretary of Defence if he wants to survive this Presidency! Kiddin! I hope he picks Colin Powell, he's the best man for the job at the moment...
Wonder what's going to come of politics know the saying..."once you go black you never go back"!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen I said it! Only on this blog will you hear the raw and dirty truths! Watch out North America this is
'Operation Human Shield'!
Wonder what's going to come of politics know the saying..."once you go black you never go back"!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen I said it! Only on this blog will you hear the raw and dirty truths! Watch out North America this is
'Operation Human Shield'!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Why reinvent the wheel?

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake has come up with another brainiac idea to "make-up" laws that are "Mohawk laws". Under what constitution? Taking "self-governance" to a whole new level; the MCK has created a team of lawyers to look for a loop hole in the law to suit their purpose for ultimate "sovereignty". Well if they knew anything about themsleves as Onkwehonwe they wouldn't have to look too far. The answer is in the Kaienerakowa. When are they Native? When it makes them money and saves them taxes? I think these people should make up their minds if they are Onkwehonwe or not. They're still imposing Canadian Laws on "sovereign" land they claim they never gave why all the confusion?! What is a Mohawk anyways? Where are all the chiefs and clanmothers? The longhouse said they're going to take over...well what are they waiting for? The Band Council has no opposition, so maybe the "traditional" pan pizzas should do something. This is getting old and sickening if you ask me. Put up or shut up, because time is running out. Are we who we say we are or are we what they want us to be? In the end I don't wanna hear it when everyone is paying taxes on their land if they don't do something about their identity crisis, because quite frankly we can't even afford ourselves...
I guess the government threw another bone (self-governance)to the starving dogs to watch them fight over it...again... WHATEVER! When are we going to learn?
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