MNN. Who brought in the Aboriginal goons to do Canada’s dirty work in Tyendinaga? Does the fact that they’re “aboriginal” from Walpole Island and Moraviantown make them legitimate? No. Some of the goons on the “aboriginal” police force are non-native! Who are they? JTF2 and RCMP in disguise?
The pre-fab, state-of-the-art, high tech prison has arrived. Canada wants to plant it in the middle of our community. The Mohawks are at the site to stop the multi-million dollar prison from going up. The people were asked if they wanted it. The majority said “no”. But here it is anyway. Going against the wishes of the people violates both democratic and Indigenous principles. It is not legal.
Band council chief R. Don Maracle said the community wanted this and that the building is needed specially for “outsiders” with “criminal records” and “the jail will be built today”! This goes beyond arrogance.
Normally the RCMP is not invited into a settler community unless the elected representatives invite them. This can only happen in an Indigeous community with the full and informed consent of the people who live there.
As in Kahnawake, Six Nations, Akwesasne and Kanehsatake, the band council is a creature of the Indian act which was imposed under foreign colonial laws. Until 1951 the Indian act defined a person as an ‘individual other than an Indian’. Nothing set up under those terms is legal – unless “might makes right” is the law, which is not.
We saw the same situation at Kanehsatake in 2004. The police commission was charged with running the security. Canada gave James Gabriel almost $1 million to do an end run around this arrangement and to set up and impose a different police force under his personal command. He brought in outside aboriginal goons to impose his will. This was illegal. Just because the guys he brought in were aboriginal did not make it legal. It violated the laws of Kanehsatake that had appointed their own Commission.
The Ontario Provincial Police OPP are waiting for the “aboriginal” goons to say they can’t handle the situation and then they will swoop down on Tyendinaga.
What questions does this situation raise?
First of all, does this mean that Canada is following through on Madame Mireille Tabib’s Order from the Federal Court of Canada, dated October 23, 2008 in “Kahentinetha & Katenies v. THE QUEEN”? Has Canada decided to stop living a lie and recognize that it has no jurisdiction over any indigenous people, our communities or our territories? Is this why the OPP didn’t accompany the prison? Or has colonial society recruited a lot of “hang around the fort Indians” to do their dirty work for them?
Colonization is not legal even when it is in aboriginal dress. The only position we can take is to stick to the truth, remain calm and peaceful and don’t get provoked. But we must stand our ground.
We smell some rats here. Do they work in Ottawa? Do some of them have names like “Chuck Strahl” and “Stockwell Day”?
It looks like this whole macabre fantasy has been engineered by the “Halloween Cabal” in Ottawa. They are a law onto themselves. They treat democracy as a joke and give a sweet s**t about treaties, indigenous rights or the Canadian obligations to respect us. They all work together to plan these attacks on us. Here they are, unmasked.
Friday, October 31, 2008
MNN Article
MNN. Oct. 30, 2008. Nathan Wright of the Assembly of First Nations AFN is the liaison with the Ontario Provincial Police OPP. He was told about the unarmed peaceful opposition to this jail being built in Tyendinaga. The OPP were waiting nearby to be called in. “That’s news to me”, he said. He didn’t know the OPP had ”made themselves visible”. What did he mean by this? Who called in the invading “aboriginal” police from Moraviantown, Walpole Island, Akwesasne and elsewhere?
Tyendinaga Band Council Chief, R. Don Maracle, was at the demonstration until noon and then left for lunch, leaving the truckers behind. The multi-million dollar portable modular mega-prison was still on the trucks. Who needs a prison when many Mohawks have been waiting years for decent housing and clean water? They built a huge fire at the entrance to the site, cooked and served everybody some food, including the truckers. Then the truckers left.
Canada sent in what looked like a colonial invading army? If you blinked your eyes, you would have thought you were in the Middle East. The U.S. set up governments in Iraq similar to the “band” and “tribal” councils on Turtle Island whose goal is to “municipalize” and assimilate us. In Iraq they created local armies to protect these U.S. puppets. People were recruited and trained to terrorize their own communities. This is common totalitarian practice.
The RCMP and OPP have both indicated they do not have jurisdiction in at least two Mohawk communities, Akwesasne and Kahnawake. They operate behind a “smoke screen”. They use “aboriginal police” to do their dirty work. The aboriginal police have managed to sow seeds of suspicion and conflict in Ongwehonwe communities.
On October 23 2008 Prothonotary Mireille Tabib of the Federal Court of Canada ordered that Mohawk women, Kahentinetha and Katenies, who live in Kahnawake and Akwesasne, are not “Canadian residents”! Therefore, they must pay the crown’s expenses to defend itself from charges of assaulting and attempting to murder them at the Cornwall border check point on June 14, 2008.
We know that we Ongwehonwe are not Canadians or part of that foreign colony. They swear allegiance to THE QUEEN and came here to squat on our land. They have no jurisdiction over us, our possessions or our territories. They have no right to attack us, beat us up and try to kill us, not under our law which is the law of the land [Kaianereh’ko:wa], or under the international accords they have signed, or even under Canadian law.
If we are not careful Canada could try to turn Tabib’s Order calling us “non-residents” as a pretext to imprison us in our communities or expel us from our land to who knows where. They may want to illegally limit our country to our communities, rather than recognizing our title to the whole of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, which we never and cannot gave up.
Canada and the establishment are always trying to create situations to attack us for resisting their colonial incursions. They have a whole bag of dirty tricks. One is to lay fake charges so they can impose conditions on us for years. When they have to prove their case, they drop the charges. Demonizing us in the media is part of it, calling us terrorists, smugglers and deviates. It’s meant to lull the public so they won’t object to the brutal, obscene and illegal attacks on us.
Where does the mid-community jail fit in? The risk is that Canada and the U.S. are setting up a Gitmo “no man’s land” jail system where Indigenous people will be taken to be jailed or tortured under no one’s scrutiny. The indigenous incarceration rate can be camouflaged by excluding the figures on those of us who are jailed on “reserves”. Is Canada going to pass martial law in Indian country? The scheme isn’t original. It’s already being done in Australia where some Aborigine communities are being run by the army.
Is there discussion going on right now about setting up “death squads”??? Don’t kid yourself. These armed groups kill civilians, mostly in secret, conduct extra judicial assassinations, killings and disappearances. They are associated with political repression, dictatorships and totalitarianism supported by colonial states. They could be “official” government units like the aboriginal police. Who are these non-natives in the aboriginal police forces? Squads may also be those organized vigilantes who are being sent into our communities.
On a “WATCH LIST” are youth, employment, social and community organizations which are infiltrated. Retired military officers, off duty police, strangers, “distant cousins” or imposters are sent in to exert influence.
The “SPOTTERS” are sent in as “subversives” who are fighting against drugs as a pretext, for example. They penetrate communities and assess the security needed to keep it under control. They collect names of those to be watched, imprisoned, tortured and executed such as traditionalists, political leaders, journalists or community workers. Traditionalists are called “extremists”.
Canada may be trying to set up these units within indigenous communities. Of course, the suckers who fall for this won’t be told what they’re doing. They’ll be manipulated into believing they are defending “law and order” and “protecting democracy”. Their extravagant pay is not guilt money .. they think they’re worth it! It’s a real trap for young, confused and weak-minded people.
As Secretary Rumsfeld said about U.S. trained Iraqi death squads, “The U.S. doesn’t have a responsibility to do anything about the crimes of the police forces it established and trained. Only to report it.”
Chief R. Don Maracle said that the prison is for “outsiders with criminal records”. This smacks of death squad mentality.
The state’s targets are predominantly young males, women and children. In Canada over 3000 young Ongwehonwe women have been “disappeared”.
We did not have police or jails. Social control is needed in all communities. When we were dependant on each other, elders and group opinions kept our communities in balance.
The settlers stole our hunting grounds, crowding us into small patches. Now they want this.
Settler societies need police to control the many deranged personalities without family and social ties that their society produces. The state has become the major instrument for assault, theft and murder of our people. Lest we forget, RCMP carried out the genocide, took our children to residential schools, protected the land grabbers and jailed our young men who tried to defend us. If they attack us, try to kill us and steal our children, they have a responsibility to investigate, charge, deter and protect us from them. They aren’t doing this. So what’s their purpose?
We are told the colonial ideal is that the police protect society. Some of the worst hoodlums we Ongwehonwe have to deal with are the cops themselves. It’s becoming harder to tell the difference between the cops and the thugs they are supposed to protect us from who are coming at us from every direction. Is this Berlin 1940?
It’s heavy. It’s no coincidence that the murder attempt on kahentinetha and katenies was by uniformed officers of the colonial state. It’s no coincidence that this story was not in the mainstream media. It’s no coincidence they want to build prisons in our communities.
MNN. Oct. 30, 2008. Nathan Wright of the Assembly of First Nations AFN is the liaison with the Ontario Provincial Police OPP. He was told about the unarmed peaceful opposition to this jail being built in Tyendinaga. The OPP were waiting nearby to be called in. “That’s news to me”, he said. He didn’t know the OPP had ”made themselves visible”. What did he mean by this? Who called in the invading “aboriginal” police from Moraviantown, Walpole Island, Akwesasne and elsewhere?
Tyendinaga Band Council Chief, R. Don Maracle, was at the demonstration until noon and then left for lunch, leaving the truckers behind. The multi-million dollar portable modular mega-prison was still on the trucks. Who needs a prison when many Mohawks have been waiting years for decent housing and clean water? They built a huge fire at the entrance to the site, cooked and served everybody some food, including the truckers. Then the truckers left.
Canada sent in what looked like a colonial invading army? If you blinked your eyes, you would have thought you were in the Middle East. The U.S. set up governments in Iraq similar to the “band” and “tribal” councils on Turtle Island whose goal is to “municipalize” and assimilate us. In Iraq they created local armies to protect these U.S. puppets. People were recruited and trained to terrorize their own communities. This is common totalitarian practice.
The RCMP and OPP have both indicated they do not have jurisdiction in at least two Mohawk communities, Akwesasne and Kahnawake. They operate behind a “smoke screen”. They use “aboriginal police” to do their dirty work. The aboriginal police have managed to sow seeds of suspicion and conflict in Ongwehonwe communities.
On October 23 2008 Prothonotary Mireille Tabib of the Federal Court of Canada ordered that Mohawk women, Kahentinetha and Katenies, who live in Kahnawake and Akwesasne, are not “Canadian residents”! Therefore, they must pay the crown’s expenses to defend itself from charges of assaulting and attempting to murder them at the Cornwall border check point on June 14, 2008.
We know that we Ongwehonwe are not Canadians or part of that foreign colony. They swear allegiance to THE QUEEN and came here to squat on our land. They have no jurisdiction over us, our possessions or our territories. They have no right to attack us, beat us up and try to kill us, not under our law which is the law of the land [Kaianereh’ko:wa], or under the international accords they have signed, or even under Canadian law.
If we are not careful Canada could try to turn Tabib’s Order calling us “non-residents” as a pretext to imprison us in our communities or expel us from our land to who knows where. They may want to illegally limit our country to our communities, rather than recognizing our title to the whole of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, which we never and cannot gave up.
Canada and the establishment are always trying to create situations to attack us for resisting their colonial incursions. They have a whole bag of dirty tricks. One is to lay fake charges so they can impose conditions on us for years. When they have to prove their case, they drop the charges. Demonizing us in the media is part of it, calling us terrorists, smugglers and deviates. It’s meant to lull the public so they won’t object to the brutal, obscene and illegal attacks on us.
Where does the mid-community jail fit in? The risk is that Canada and the U.S. are setting up a Gitmo “no man’s land” jail system where Indigenous people will be taken to be jailed or tortured under no one’s scrutiny. The indigenous incarceration rate can be camouflaged by excluding the figures on those of us who are jailed on “reserves”. Is Canada going to pass martial law in Indian country? The scheme isn’t original. It’s already being done in Australia where some Aborigine communities are being run by the army.
Is there discussion going on right now about setting up “death squads”??? Don’t kid yourself. These armed groups kill civilians, mostly in secret, conduct extra judicial assassinations, killings and disappearances. They are associated with political repression, dictatorships and totalitarianism supported by colonial states. They could be “official” government units like the aboriginal police. Who are these non-natives in the aboriginal police forces? Squads may also be those organized vigilantes who are being sent into our communities.
On a “WATCH LIST” are youth, employment, social and community organizations which are infiltrated. Retired military officers, off duty police, strangers, “distant cousins” or imposters are sent in to exert influence.
The “SPOTTERS” are sent in as “subversives” who are fighting against drugs as a pretext, for example. They penetrate communities and assess the security needed to keep it under control. They collect names of those to be watched, imprisoned, tortured and executed such as traditionalists, political leaders, journalists or community workers. Traditionalists are called “extremists”.
Canada may be trying to set up these units within indigenous communities. Of course, the suckers who fall for this won’t be told what they’re doing. They’ll be manipulated into believing they are defending “law and order” and “protecting democracy”. Their extravagant pay is not guilt money .. they think they’re worth it! It’s a real trap for young, confused and weak-minded people.
As Secretary Rumsfeld said about U.S. trained Iraqi death squads, “The U.S. doesn’t have a responsibility to do anything about the crimes of the police forces it established and trained. Only to report it.”
Chief R. Don Maracle said that the prison is for “outsiders with criminal records”. This smacks of death squad mentality.
The state’s targets are predominantly young males, women and children. In Canada over 3000 young Ongwehonwe women have been “disappeared”.
We did not have police or jails. Social control is needed in all communities. When we were dependant on each other, elders and group opinions kept our communities in balance.
The settlers stole our hunting grounds, crowding us into small patches. Now they want this.
Settler societies need police to control the many deranged personalities without family and social ties that their society produces. The state has become the major instrument for assault, theft and murder of our people. Lest we forget, RCMP carried out the genocide, took our children to residential schools, protected the land grabbers and jailed our young men who tried to defend us. If they attack us, try to kill us and steal our children, they have a responsibility to investigate, charge, deter and protect us from them. They aren’t doing this. So what’s their purpose?
We are told the colonial ideal is that the police protect society. Some of the worst hoodlums we Ongwehonwe have to deal with are the cops themselves. It’s becoming harder to tell the difference between the cops and the thugs they are supposed to protect us from who are coming at us from every direction. Is this Berlin 1940?
It’s heavy. It’s no coincidence that the murder attempt on kahentinetha and katenies was by uniformed officers of the colonial state. It’s no coincidence that this story was not in the mainstream media. It’s no coincidence they want to build prisons in our communities.
What's up with this theory? Another institutionalist assimilation tool? Well, instead of talking Islamic, Arab, "reasonable accomodations" and so on, can we consider that First Peoples are multicultured? It seems as though First Peoples are all considered one however, they are far from all being the same and all have their own customs, language, way-of-life, territories, beliefs, and most of all come from diffrent nations with alliances and have diffrent allies from all across Turtle Island. Why hasn't Ottawa given a seat or chance to Red Man yet? All I see is pot-luck running the state and not one "Chief" for the Red Man! It's pathetic to know how many First Nations people are highly educated in every field academics has to offer and yet not one of them can get in the big house to do what's right by the people and not what the machine is set for. Can we break the pre-set controls the machine has to make another pattern? We all want change but are affraid to embrace it when the time comes. Why is the government so controlling all the time? First Peoples should be heard and considered. What happens when people have something to hide? Should other Nations across the waters in the deserts find out what the big "G" is really like? Wait I forgot, they're in the same boat as the Red Man! Aparthide anyone? The slow but effective assimilation process called "integration and transition" into "democratic blocks" leading to "realism" and "globalization". All states should remain seperate and take their blows once in a while instead of all becoming one (NWO) as the NAFTA agreement shows. Canada walked right into the one! The U.S. is making all the money on that one! What an idiot! Wake up people, the Red Man's been watching you! Canada should grow a pair and get that money back from them...bunch of woosies!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Plan
After having dinner with an esteemed colleague last night, our discussion kept playing in the back of my mind. Harper planed to reduce the GST to 5%, and now this is his second term of office and its still sitting at 6%. If he lowered it to 5% it would stimulate economic growth and Canadian spending. Also, we agreed that if all Canuks (33 million people), paid out $1,000.00 or took it as a loss on income tax benefits for a "one time deal" then Canada would be out of the hot seat with the national deficit. Canada is stuck in neutral paying intrest, did you ever get caught up in a VISA card dilema? Who benefits from it, you or the bank?! Canada's loonie would pick up and soar past the U.S. dollar (even if it didn't oh well) and increase our market value. I'm not saying everyone as in minors and children, but those who can afford to make healthy contributions like major corporations, businesses, and people who make more money than they know what to do with it. This is the way Natives work...they help eachother and Canadians should stop bitching about taxes and having to pay "dues" once in a while, because if we were anything like America, you'd all really be crying. So let go of mommy's appron strings and start investing in a government that shields you from the harsh world you run from to live in the best country in the world. A little goes a long way...
Perhaps Canada should grow a pair and make legistlature like the "War Measures Act" and have Canadians pay a fee for their comfortable living arrangements, seeing as how we are so spoiled. Not everyone in the world has the luxury of taking a HOT shower everyday, has paved roads, pension plans, free mediacal care, low cost high efficient education and many other materialist goods. Its time to suck it up and help eachother and stop being greedy and blaming everything on the government, everyone has to do their part. If the government can't then together as a Nation we can.
I'm more than happy and ready to give the first $1,000.00 to the federal government to help clear the National deficit.
Perhaps Canada should grow a pair and make legistlature like the "War Measures Act" and have Canadians pay a fee for their comfortable living arrangements, seeing as how we are so spoiled. Not everyone in the world has the luxury of taking a HOT shower everyday, has paved roads, pension plans, free mediacal care, low cost high efficient education and many other materialist goods. Its time to suck it up and help eachother and stop being greedy and blaming everything on the government, everyone has to do their part. If the government can't then together as a Nation we can.
I'm more than happy and ready to give the first $1,000.00 to the federal government to help clear the National deficit.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The 'Indian Act' stipulates that lands reserved for the "enjoyment and use of indians"; to hunt and fish...well homes and communities were based on the small portions the government alloted them, so now where do we hunt? Where are all the animals going? I know my freezer is still empty because there isn't enough deer and moose running around for meat. This is where its at now what? Where did the Queen get off saying this was her land when she never even stepped foot here when she said that? I guess its ok if your the oppressor and that's what you teach; as if its ok to colonize people all over the world. The God complex has to go, and the control mechanism within that complex is turning against them. All the control goes out the window when the money becomes worthless...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New Political Party
After all was said and done with this campaign and election, I sat back and thought about it...the only time Natives will have proper representation is when we represent ourselves. So, I will start my own political party, and I will call it the 'First Peoples Party of Canada'. This is the only way I can see any changes for the betterment of Native People all across Canada. The party is under copyright so don't try to steal my idea! Kiddin...it already exsists, just that they were denied the right to participate in the debates. Next election they will post their party as they have already been recognized by Canada as a legitimate political party. All they need is voter turn-out.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Another reason..the Conservative response
Pay attention to the attempts and the anger within their spirit. 59 acres? Common', they roamed the territories for miles and centuries before "confederation". It brings tears to your eyes when you see your fellow red brothers and sisters getting kicked around like dogs for nothing. They were asked if they wanted a fight. There is a black wampum that was made, and if it hits the ground after negotiation has ensued, then Canada will have a major problem that they've never experienced in their new "statecraft".
I am so sick and tired of these people with no substance encroaching on First People and muscling around everyone with their illusion they call government. Respect the fact that our ancestors cared and built the lands to sustain the future generations to come...now they steal to appeal, do they honestly think the First Nations are going to let newcomers tell them what to do, when the newbies are here just to reap more tax money? Caucasians are outnubered by so called "visible minorities", their rule is over. First Nations will now take the duty of government checks and balances.
All I heard with these Federal candidates was a "commercial to sell their product" line as a vote for me. The people they met was done with a handshake and smile, this means nothing, just presence and contamination for another vote. Economy this, money that, where did they get the staple to make the money? How was it obtained? In retroactive to the day they began is the amount they will pay back.
Enough is enough...the revolution has begun.
Pay attention to the attempts and the anger within their spirit. 59 acres? Common', they roamed the territories for miles and centuries before "confederation". It brings tears to your eyes when you see your fellow red brothers and sisters getting kicked around like dogs for nothing. They were asked if they wanted a fight. There is a black wampum that was made, and if it hits the ground after negotiation has ensued, then Canada will have a major problem that they've never experienced in their new "statecraft".
I am so sick and tired of these people with no substance encroaching on First People and muscling around everyone with their illusion they call government. Respect the fact that our ancestors cared and built the lands to sustain the future generations to come...now they steal to appeal, do they honestly think the First Nations are going to let newcomers tell them what to do, when the newbies are here just to reap more tax money? Caucasians are outnubered by so called "visible minorities", their rule is over. First Nations will now take the duty of government checks and balances.
All I heard with these Federal candidates was a "commercial to sell their product" line as a vote for me. The people they met was done with a handshake and smile, this means nothing, just presence and contamination for another vote. Economy this, money that, where did they get the staple to make the money? How was it obtained? In retroactive to the day they began is the amount they will pay back.
Enough is enough...the revolution has begun.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Native Judge Rules
BRITISH COLUMBIA HAS TO RESPECT TRADITIONAL GITANYOW GOVERNMENT - How Wii’litswx put “ the Crown” in its place! JUDGE TEKASTIAKS SAYS, “RIGHT ON!” MNN. Aug. 31, 2008. Canada is a colonial state and Canadian law is topsy turkey! The Indigenous hurricanes are coming. The Canadian levee has been breached. One of the last judgments of Madam Justice Neilson at the Supreme Court of British Columbia admits that the traditional Gitanyow government and social order has to be respected. Judge Neilson has just been promoted to the British Columbia Court of Appeal. There’s no doubt now. Her reasoning should stand unless Canada torpedoes it with another fit of the D.T.s [delirium tremens]. Why did this happen? The colonizers rely on the same earthly elements as we Onkwehonwe. The environment’s in a shambles. The air is polluted. So is most of the soil. We’re living on the last 10% of the fish in the oceans. We’re using up oil, gas and lumber like there’s no tomorrow. Everyone’s scared. Some members of colonial society are starting to wake up. If their destructive mania does not stop soon, we’re all doomed. Let’s take a look at Judge Nielson’s reasoning in Wii’litswx v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests) [2008 BCSC 1139].(You can find the full text by Googling “Canlii”). What did she do when the B.C. Ministry of Forests gave out timber licences on Gitanyow land without Gitanyow consent? Our nationhood has been violated by illegal timber licences ever since 1888 when Britain’s Privy Council decided St. Catherine’s Milling and Lumber Company v. The Queen. The colonizers didn’t consult the Saulteaux before deciding that the right to timber licences on Saulteaux national territory belonged to Ontario’s provincial government, not Canada’s federal government. As if! Neither colonial government had a right!! Britain’s Privy Council specifically said that it was not determining “the precise quality of the Indian right”. The colonizers relied on a legal delusion. They pretended that “Indians” had only a “personal and usufructuary right dependent upon the goodwill of the Crown”. What? We never heard of the Crown before contact. Our rights don’t depend on the Crown that came to town! St. Catherine’s Milling implicitly gave Ontario permission to manage Saulteaux resources. This was illegal. There was no explanation as to how the British Crown got jurisdiction in the first place. But the colonizers went crazy and their scramble for Indigenous resources escalated. The colonial pillage has continued for over a century. A few Canadian judges are beginning to come to their senses. They have finally recognized that we were here first. Wow!!! They finally found their glasses!!! The Supreme Court of Canada decisions in Haida Nation v. British Columbia [2004 SCC 73 (CanLii)] and Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Columbia [2004 SCC 74 (CanLii)] are still trespassing wholesale, but they have finally recognized that there is a “duty to consult” us before they take our stuff. (We’ve been saying this all along). Canada’s economy is totally dependant on stealing our assets – the resources that we hold in trust for our coming generations. That has to be the main reason why the “white” settler states have refused to sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This ploy does not get them off the hook. They’ve signed all sorts of treaties and accords agreeing that humans are equal. They have to start doing this in practice. Wii’litswx gets down to the nitty-gritty. It forces them to take a first step. The text on Canlii is long and tedious. “Chief Justice Lamer described the import of s.35(1)…blah, blah,blah”; “The difference between the TSA and the TFLA is…blah, blah, blah”, “Sections 16.3 and 16.4 acknowledge that…blah, blah blah”. It’s got lots of quotes about Whereas, LUP, MoF, GFA, SRMP. 45 pages of dense bureaucratese!! You have to wonder. How did the Gitanyow manage the forest and turn it into an internationally coveted resource without using a single sheet of paper? Judge Nielson pointed out that there was “a long and troubled history of over-logging and unfulfilled silviculture obligations on Gitanyow traditional territory”. The Crown agreed that it had “a duty to meaningfully consult with the Gitanyow in good faith and to reasonably accommodate its concerns and interests”. It ignored them. As the judge said, “Meaningful consultation and accommodation” is more than just “thorough discussion”. She found that the Ministry of Forests should have come up with a plan “endorsed by the Gitanyow”. We can’t agree with her here. It is Gitanyow territory. It’s their right to decide whether foreign corporations can cut their trees. Judge Neilson recognized that the Gitanyow thought that ratification by their “Heredetary Chiefs” was essential. She said the Ministry of Forests could not issue the forestry licences without their opinions. This is confusing. British Columbia can’t prove its jurisdiction. It’s Ministry of Forests doesn’t have authority to issue any licences at all. Wii’litswx did not discuss why the government of British Columbia was giving licences to lumber companies that extract rare resources for private benefit. It disregarded the needs of the people who actually live in British Columbia. However, Judge Neilson did discuss the stumpage fees that are paid to the provincial government by the corporations for the trees cut. The evidence showed that the Gitanyow claimed 50% of these fees. The Ministry of Forests’ tried to get away with paying a few hundred thousand dollars, using their own per capita formula. Judge Neilson did not accept their idea that this was “economic accommodation”. She’s was right on here! From a Haudenosaunee perspective, Wii’litswx has a few good points. It is also disappointing. Why should the Gitanyow have to negotiate with a bunch of in-migrating colonists for “the right to harvest wood for domestic purposes”? It is their land and their wood!! Judge Neilson did recognize that the Gitanyow’s clan-based Wilp system and boundaries are “an integral and defining feature” of their society. She supported the Gitanyow’s right to decide for themselves how to structure their laws and institutions. This is a departure from the Supreme Court of Canada’s practice of setting out good principles at the beginning and violating them in its final decision. Like when it says ambiguities should be determined in favour of “the Indians” and then decides that these same “Indians” don’t know how to interpret their own culture. It’s time for the colonial junkies to kick their thieving habits. “Most are so stoned they’ve hit rock bottom and don’t even know it!” [A quote from Judge Tekastiaks “She-calls-it-like-it-is”]. Judge Neilson pointed out that recognition of Indigenous economic rights would have “wide-ranging repercussions for all citizens of British Columbia”. The joint planning process required is “evolutionary and long-term”. But if they don’t respect our rights, they are going to kill themselves. She did not quash the illegal licences. The Gitanyow had already agreed to let the licensees continue to operate. [Band council sell outs again!] Judge Neilson invited further submissions on what to do. The traditional people can file a written objection to the Court. In effect, the judge has already invited them. Back here on Kanienkehaka territory, we are in another world with rotten and out-dated judicial reasoning. Wii’litswx relied on Mitchell v. Minister of National Revenue [2001, SCC 33 (CanLii)] for the false idea that the Canadian Constitution aims to reconcile prior Indigenous occupation with “the Crown’s assertion of sovereignty”. This can’t be reconciled. There is no proof that the Crown’s sovereignty is legitimate anywhere. Mitchell was decided before Haida and Taku. It said nothing about how we were not consulted on the invention of Canada or the phony border that divides Akwesasne. It concludes that even though the people of Akwesasne were living on islands in the river long before the invasion by colonists, they never crossed to the north shore to trade for anything!! This is ridiculous! The Supreme Court of Canada seems to think that if you live on the part of Akwesasne claimed by the United States and you want to give your old washing machine to your sister who lives on the side claimed by Canada, you have to pay duty to Canada. This makes no sense! The imposed boundary that runs through the middle of Akwesasne makes normal life impossible. Canadian officials use this as an excuse for abuse. Sadistic Canadian Border Service Agency guards are constantly stopping, harassing and assaulting our people. [Judge Tekastiaks suggests, “The white people should have a “white lane” like we do except with Indian border guards”.] The “meaningful and reasonable process of consultation” relied upon by Judge Neilson in Wii’litswx is no where to be found in Canadian relations with the Kanienkehaka. Canadians have to start being lawful people. Every square inch of Turtle Island belongs to the Onkwehonwe. Canada and the United States have to sit down and talk with us if they want to survive the greedy and destructive habits they brought here.
Economy Revisited
“HOLD ON! INDIGENOUS PEOPLES!”. IT’S GONNA BE A ROUGH RIDE. THE INTERNATIONAL ROBBERY OF OUR TERRITORIES & RESOURCES CONTINUE FOR NOW! MNN. Sept. 25, 2008. Who would have thought that artificial economies and their worthless paper currencies, based on theft of Indigenous resources, would come tumbling down? Greed and oppression can’t go on forever. These foreigners have been wheeling and dealing with goods stolen from us. Remember, they came here with nothing! Every inch of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, they stand on is unsurrendered Indigenous territory. We are the caretakers. We will never give it up.These colonial money grubbers never treated us right. They killed, hurt and weakened us and then took advantage of us. It looks like payback time. Nature is getting even. The natural order has to be restored. The people have to face up to what they’ve done or allowed to be done. The rape and pillaging of our mother earth has to stop. She has to be cared for. Yes, it looks like we Indigenous will have to hang onto our hats and ride out the storm. We are still the trustees of everything over, on and beneath the land. We still have our lives. We still have our families. We still have the future generations to look out for. These rapacious thieves did not take care of mother earth as we did. They plundered her for instant pleasure and then moved on without thinking of the future. The colonists think they have to “conquer” nature and its caretakers, us. What are they afraid of? The European throngs swarmed to our territory for deceptive ends. The so-called “conquest” of the “New World” was a European concoction. These pirates embezzled the “ownership” our property and forced people into slavery to work for them for next to nothing. Onowaregeh was occupied and ruined by a class of white European men who set up an individualistic capitalist exploitation system. Even when they charged over here for the “gold rush”, they had no concept of leaving anything for the future generations, or even of sharing with anybody. The few elite made products with our resources, sold it and set up banking and monetary systems that were backed by the gun. Their highest ideals were racism, individualism, greed, grabbing other people’s property and accumulating more wealth than they needed. The driving feature is that the white race is superior and could enslave and kill Indigenous people. The lower order “settlers” were infected as well. They have a similar mentality of exploitation and victimization. Anyone who came here could grab our land and make a homestead. Today settler society is divided between the “parasites” and those who worked for them. Developers have been putting up our unceded territories as collateral on the stock exchanges to raise billions of dollars from the public. This is fraud. The U.S. economic system is based on stolen Indigenous goods, lands and resources to prop up its ailing dollar. Countries worldwide accepted the U.S. dollar as the international currency. Now they have to work together to keep this whole fake economic engine going. If they bring it down it will bring chaos to them. Their economic fantasy is that they think they can endlessly put value in the circulatory process they’ve created. They steal everything, create nothing and sell it to each other. The U.S. and Canadian production bases have been totally eroded. The reality is that you can’t consume what you don’t produce. The colonial entities have to take what they need through force, like oil from the Middle East. The dollar has to be back with armed force to steal other people’s resources. It’s all inter-connected. The corporations sell ‘air’ at inflated prices, paid for with worthless paper money based on “faith”. Wall Street is based on greed, investing money and watching markets here and there. The U.S. government looks desperate. They fear their delusional bubble will burst. The oligarchs have made an exit plan to run away with suitcases of money. When the Russian Czar’s regime went down in the early 1900s, people fled with cash that was later worthless. The Wall Street oligarchs have an army to cover their tracks.Despite the propaganda, the people are going to be alright. It can always get worse. The deprivation can go to a deep dark end. We need to resist their dire threats of medieval retrogression to torture chambers, burnings, hanging, drawing and quartering and impaling. It doesn’t have to happen. Now the U.S. government is going to take money from the taxpayers and give it to the bankers who caused the problems in the first place. When the people go to the bank to borrow money they will be told, “There’s no money. We had to give it to our banker friends.” The U.S. visible and invisible government is trying to control all the land and housing. Instead of charging them with criminal acts of treason and conspiracy, the buy-out is going to the head gangsters. The drafter of the buy-out is U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulsen, who worked for Goldman and Sachs on Wall Street for 35 years. According to the package, once he gets the money, he is not accountable. He is beyond all courts and legislation. This is a reversion to the “divine right of kings”. They want total control over society, a “coup d’etat”. The “wrecking ball” scenario is based on fear, intimidation and blackmail. The 3rd Infantry Division of the 1st Brigade Combat Team is being brought back to the U.S. from Iraq in case there’s a public “fall out”. John McCain suspended his election campaign. Next the constitution will be suspended. The election could be pulled. There will be no discussion or debate. An immediate decision on the package is being forced to serve the needs of the oligarchic ruling elite. The U.S. is the leading imperialist. Presently with outsourcing, unemployment, housing foreclosures and economic and social problems the base for consumption is getting narrow. The industrial base is shrinking. Its main production is military weapons, armaments and surveillance equipment. Scientific and technological research is aimed at creating more lethal weapons to kill innocent unarmed people. The second seller is high end luxury goods to a narrow elite market. The basic necessities of the majority is neglected more and more. The economy is being hallowed out through impoverishment and ruination of people. Other states are still tied to the U.S. monster. They are making new arrangements to separate themselves from this world crisis. The public is crying out for major change to end the colonial racist greedy system. They have to look at Indigenous culture and harmonize their society with ours to survive. They need to renew all their arrangements with us to live, think and govern themselves so that the parasites are pushed aside. Sacrifices are necessary or humanity will destroy itself. There is another world, a world of resistance. Our fate rests in our own humble hands. Indigenous people have survived. We kept our philosophy, our notions of governance, our duties to mother earth and our way of life which was terribly damaged. We have been able to resuscitate it and bring it back to a healthy life. We all have our strengths. We have an enormous evolved consciousness. People are beginning to see through this capitalist fraud. Do U.S. President George Bush, Republican candidate John McCain and Democratic candidate Barack Obama want to really re-arrange the economy and society on a new basis? Do they want to dig up the roots of the colonial past and harmonize relations with the Indigenous people and mother earth? Throughout, the colonists and their banker backers thought they could just ride rough shod over us while they devastated the planet. We are still here because we always resisted.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The political divisions among community members and its effects...
For some time now the 'Longhouse' people have been divided in beliefs resulting in the splitting of the house. This is due to some say 'Handsome Lake', and others say disagreement of ideas. Well, if these people are to get anywhere they need to put the petty diffrences aside and work together and carry-on the way our ancestors did not so long ago. There is much at stake here regarding land, rights, education, health, and overall wellbeing of the generations to come. The ones who are to take the reigns are not in place yet and if they are then they better get a move on and start somewhere. As far as I see it the way things are going we are where the government wants us to be; trapped and fighting amongst eachother. Divide and conquer, that's the motto. Hence the blood count with bogus percentiles!
As far as I'm concerned the government owes the First Nations half of all monies made from the natural resources they stoled and sold, full right to free and compensated education due to their "colonization" tactics, full medical coverage since they like to infect with foreign deseases, and full coverage of medications perscribed and not the "generic brands" they issue by 'Indian Affairs' making Natives lab-rats. The right to live anywhere they want on Turtle Island and not stuck in one spot (concentration camps) including maintaining all rights no matter where they reside. Hunting and fishing rights shouldn't even be a question of having to get a permit...as if!
There are other things as well, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Its like a divorce but not really!
As far as I'm concerned the government owes the First Nations half of all monies made from the natural resources they stoled and sold, full right to free and compensated education due to their "colonization" tactics, full medical coverage since they like to infect with foreign deseases, and full coverage of medications perscribed and not the "generic brands" they issue by 'Indian Affairs' making Natives lab-rats. The right to live anywhere they want on Turtle Island and not stuck in one spot (concentration camps) including maintaining all rights no matter where they reside. Hunting and fishing rights shouldn't even be a question of having to get a permit...as if!
There are other things as well, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Its like a divorce but not really!
Why aboriginal leaders should have an education...
This past friday, the Grand Chief of my community of Kahnawake was doing the 'MCK friday' political corner on K103.7fm radio. I called to ask the question "should Natives vote in the upcoming federal election?". His answer, "no, its not our place and I don't believe we are part of that system". What kind of answer is that? Out of 10,000 community members only 1,100 people (family members of the candidates) vote for "band council" elections. The band council system is enacted under the 'Indian Act', that racist piece of legislature that says Natives are not able to make their own decisions and are considered "wards of the state". Its a foreign entity and he's part of that entity. So therefore, its an oxymoron. He's an idiot! My second question was under what constitution was he enacting all these new "Mohawk laws and community hearings", he answered ILLC. The correct answer was a possible of two choices, the Canadian Constitution or the Kaienerakowa (Great Law), under which he has no authority to act on. His answer came from a form of corporate law...This is not "leadership", this is dictatorship and idiotic. How are the people supposed to exercise rights if they are told not to do something that will benefit them in the longrun? Even if its not "our way", we have to take everything that we got to fight for what little we have left. Please NOTE: The Indian Act allows for a "band council" system, making Natives "puppet leaders". The so-called leaders do nothing but embezzle monies for themselves and their personal enterprises, leading to an abuse of "rights" given under the 'Indian Act'. The supposed "self-governance" entrusted to First Nations is carried out in such a way that major enterprises and illicit indutries are "legally justified" under "Traditional Law" which is bull. Whatever suits their purpose for those times is what they consider "law" to benefit and gain monetary status off the backs of those who get nothing in return.So who's line is it anyways? No wonder why the Grand Chief said not to vote in the Federal elections...if Natives vote for the Federal government, then there is no need for a band council!I rather have no "band council" system and eliminate the bureaucracy to save money and go back to having the 'Indian Agent' (as long as its another Native with brains)to deal directly with the government instead of a bunch of nepotistic criminals protected by their own "laws", making us all look bad.
Finally someone is trying!
In the debate this past week the NDP has acknowledged the needs for the First Peoples, and has done the right thing in addressing these issues. Obviously it turned into an attack on Mr. Harper which turned in his favor from what I hear. Perhaps addressing these issues means nothing to the average Canadian but it means alot to the First Nations. As far as the Conservatives/Liberals go they are the oppressive governments of past and present. I personally would like to see a change in government with real democratic values. People are so caught up with destroying eachother's image and worrying about the economy however, that's not what is going to feed your children when they are hungry. Natives always lived off the lands and waters, now they are becoming poisoned and seeds are biochemically engeneered to produce once so that people depend on the government to supply them with food. When Natives take a rightful stance within governement forums and have proper repesentation then Canada will see major changes in the way things function around here. The First Peoples did not creat the nightmare politicians are losing their hair over, that's their problem. All the greed is finally catching up; the U.S. can only run on I.O.U.'s for so long, Canada is next in line. All the resources that were here upon the arrival of the Euro-settlers was a gold mine to them essntial to their survival here as well as overseas. First Peoples were almost exterminated but managed to survive and learned the games they play. Now the time has come to address eachother, fix what needs to be fixed, and then worry about the rest of the world. It would be ignorant to go into someone else's home and critisize them when your own house is a filthy mess.
And we wonder why?!!!

Just wondering if anyone knows about the Battle of Chateauguay, The Lachine Massacre, Wounded Knee 1 & 2, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, the story of Geronimo, and the Trail of Tears. These should help draw the out-line of what the First Nations have had to deal with not so long ago. Also, the residential schools from the 1800-1980's. This is where Native children between 5 and 16 were puposely infected with tuberculosis, sterilized under x-ray exposure according to Canada's Charter 59 of 1933 (Sterilization Act), and were psychologically tortured.Mothers had to sign away their children to the state or be arrested and have their children taken anyway. My maternal great-grandmother fell victim to this in the 1930's. She spoke no English or French, only Mohawk. She was a 'bear clanmother'. Her children raised according to orthodox customs and spoke no english or french either. She didn't understand why her children were taken from her. My maternal grandfather escaped and made it back home from the 'Spanish Residential School' in Ontario. My paternal grandfather was severely abused by the Catholic priests in the local school, as well as my older aunts and uncles. Their hair was cut, they were forbidden to speak their language (kanienke:ha, aka Mohawk), and were randomely beaten for fun. These cycles of abuse are in the healing process now.We wonder why Natives have issues? The 'Scalping Proclamation' of 1789 or 98 adds more fuel to the fire. There is still a scalping proclamation in the U.S.(Me), that congress never took out of the books yet. Now is this how you treat people and expect them to like you?! Now we see the Innu on the streets of Montreal, wandering around aimlessly trying to make sense of where they are and what they want out of the surreal life they see on TV, movies and music videos. Beer is like 200$ for a case of 24, 60$ per gram of marijuana, and we wonder why they lose their minds when they come to Montreal when the beer is like 5$ a pitcher and 10$ per gram of marijuana! Of course they're going to take advantage! Then strange people in blue uniforms (MUC) come to take them away when they try to walk to where they are staying and become criminals for "public intoxication", leading to "resisting arrest", when they don't even know why they are being arrested. This is where all the suicide numbers come into play...So again I ask, is this fair? Is it just? Is the 'Indian Act' necessary making Natives "wards of the state"? Is there a 'Black Act' or a 'Jewish Act'? Of course not! Did they think they were smart by creating this piece of legislature to try to appease the First Nations? Its done nothing but cause problems, and the only reason why people are affraid to get out of it is because of the money it promises them. Hence, the 'Band Council' will not bite the hand that feeds them. This illusion of "sovereignty" we're all living under is a lie in itself.
Food for thought...an article
From: MohawkNationNews Subject: MNN CANADA IS NOT A "STATE"To: legalbeaglejustice@yahoo.caReceived: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 12:49 PMWHY CANADA IS NOT LEGALLY A "STATE"By Ieri’wa:onni and MNN Mohawk Nation News StaffMNN. Sept. 2001. Since the dawn of time, we Indigenous people have beenconscious that we exist as part of the natural world. We belong to the land. We co-exist with the animals and vegetation that sustained our ancestors andthat continue to sustain us today. We are born or adopted into clans. Theseform the foundation of our nations. Our society is based on equality, whereeverybody has a voice. Our constitution, Kaianereh:kowa [Great Law of Peace],embodies these relations. This is the law of the portion of Onowaregeh, TurtleIsland, which has been put into our trust. Before European “visitors” floated over the ocean and stumbled onto ourshores, we formed a federation according to the Kaianerehkowa. TheRotinoshonni:onwe Confederacy is made up of Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayuga,Seneca and Tuscarora. Hundreds of Indigenous nations formed alliances with usand became our friends and allies. No non-Indigenous nation ever joined our confederacy or accepted to liveaccording to our constitution. Though a few individual Europeans have beenadopted into our society, most have proven unwilling or unable to live accordingto the social, political and economic philosophy of the Rotinoshonni:onwe. All Euro-Canadians know and understand that we were here, on Onowaregeh, first.The Supreme Court of Canada has acknowledged this fact as part of Canadian law.We did a lot of work to create the paradise that the Europeans found when theyarrived. So far Canadians do not understand or acknowledge that we never agreedto join their colonial regime or to give up our original law or nationality. We did form nation-to-nation alliances with various European colonists. Someof our nations were allies of the British during many famous battles. However,we were NEVER British subjects. We always dealt with colonial visitors as anindependent political organization. We even sent ambassadors abroad as seen inthe famous paintings of the “Indian Kings” who visited the court ofEngland’s Queen Anne in 1710.The internationally accepted legal definition of a “state” was establishedby the Montevideo Convention of 1933. Article 1 states that: “The state as aperson of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) apermanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacityto enter into relations with the other states.” We have a permanentpopulation, a defined territory, and an established capacity to enter intorelations with other states. THE ROTINOSHONNI:ONWE CONFEDERACY IS LEGALLY ASTATE. Under international law, as set out in United Nations Resolution 1541XV, andconfirmed by the International Court in the Western Sahara case, relationsbetween peoples may be organized on the basis of independence, free associationor incorporation. No state may legally incorporate another without the freeand informed consent of the majority of the population as expressed in a freeand fair election.This standard was endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Reference rethe Secession of Quebec. Quebec could not separate from Canada without theconsent of a clear majority of its people in response to a clear question. Quebec had been fully incorporated into Canada because it plays a major role inCanadian institutions. It’s elected representatives agreed to join with otherBritish colonies to form Canada. It has representatives in Parliament and onthe Supreme Court. It has supplied many Canadian Prime Ministers. TheRotinoshonni:onwe Confederacy never agreed to join Canada. It has norepresentation in Canada’s parliament or on Canadian courts. Between 1876 and1951 Canadian law excluded “Indians” from the definition of a “person”. THE ROTINOSHONNI:ONWE CONFEDERACY HAS NEVER BEEN LEGALLY INCORPORATED INTOCANADA AND REMAINS INDEPENDENT.When the Rotinoshonni:onwe Confederacy first established diplomatic relationswith European colonists, the Europeans were organized in monarchical states. The people were called “subjects”. Under British law, the relationshipbetween the subject and the monarch was considered to be a personal bond. Thesubject owed the monarch obedience and in return the monarch owed the subjectprotection. You could become a subject either by conquest or by swearing anoath of allegiance. The Rotinoshonni:onwe were never conquered. Only a feweccentric or deluded individuals ever voluntarily swore an oath of allegiance tothe British Crown. THE ROTINOSHONNI:ONWE NEVER BECAME BRITISH SUBJECTS. TheRotinoshonni:onwe Confederacy has issued its own passports since theinternational passport convention was passed in 1920. The “Dominion of Canada” was formally established when Britain’sParliament passed the British North America Act, 1867. It was founded topromote the interests of the British Empire as part of an administrativere-organization that united some of the colonies established on Onowaregeh. (British North America Act, 1867, Preamble). A “Dominion” is legally defined under British law as “a colony”. Thepeople of the colonies that joined the Canadian confederation remained“British subjects”. The Queen of England remains the Queen of Canada.Britain continued to manage all international matters. Britain has onlyauthorized Canada to conduct international relations on behalf of “theempire” (British North America Act, 1867, s. 132). All treaties signed withIndigenous peoples on Onowaregeh were negotiated on behalf of the Britishmonarch. Canada did not sign any international treaty until Britain allowed itto sign the Halibut Treaty with the United States in 1923. CANADA DID NOT BEC0MEAN INDEPENDENT STATE IN 1867.Britain’s “Dominions”, which also included Australia, New Zealand andSouth Africa, contributed so much money and lives during World War I (1914-1918)that they wanted more control over their imperial obligations even though theydid not want to leave the British Empire. The Balfour Declaration of 1926 gavethem equality with Britain under the monarch. This became British law whenBritain’s Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Canada and the other “Dominions” remained under the same British monarchand legal system. Their passports continued to be issued by the Britishmonarch. Canadian citizenship was not established as a legal status until 1947.Britain’s parliament kept the power to change Canada’s constitution andCanadians remained British subjects.In 1982 Britain’s parliament renamed the British North America Act, 1867 asthe Constitution Act, 1867. Britain gave Canada permission to amend itsconstitution by passing the Canada Act, 1982 and appending Canada’sConstitution Act, 1982. It took effect on January 1st, 1983. Britain formallyterminated “British Subject status” without the informed consent of theCanadian people. According to the Preamble to Canada’s Constitution Act,1867, CANADA IS STILL LEGALLY PART OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE.The Rotinoshonni:onwe Confederacy never gave possession of any territory to anyEuropean people. The Kaianerehkowa does not allow this because the land is heldin trust for the coming generations. The Rotinoshonni:onwe cannot speak for theother nations of Onowaregeh. There is no evidence that any of them ever gavetheir free and informed consent to come under British dominion or to becomeBritish subjects.According to s.91(24) of the British North America Act, 1867, the Britishmonarch gave Canada’s parliament authority to make laws regarding “Indians,and Lands reserved for the Indians”. No state can give something it does notpossess. Britain only possessed authority to make alliances and agreements withthe people it called “Indians”. Britain did not own any land on Onowaregeh.So s.91(24) only grants Canada authority to negotiate with “Indians”concerning international relations and land use. The Rotinoshonni:onwe neverceded any land or authority to Canada. The Charter of the Hudson’s Bay Company was issued by the British monarch. It granted protection for a British trading monopoly. It could not grant landon Onowaregeh because the British monarch did not own any. When the Hudson’sBay Company assets were transferred to Canada, Canada only gained a tradingmonopoly. It did not legally acquire any land on Onowaregeh because the HudsonBay Company did not legally own any.There is no evidence that Canada has any land. Canada does not meet therequirements of the Montevideo Convention. CANADA IS NOT A “STATE” ACCORDINGTO THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.TOP 3 REASONS WHY CANADA IS NOT A STATE:1. Canada does not have a permanent population. The people it claims ascitizens are transients who come and go. They are not a “nation”.“Nationality” is not defined in international law. European dictionariesdefine “nationality” as having a common birth and parentage. Canadians comefrom all over the world. They have no common origin or heritage to distinguishthem from other human beings in general. Most have in common the experience ofsettling on our territory without legal permission from us. Canada’sexploitive and environmentally destructive habits prove that few have anycommitment to future generations.2. Canada does not have a “government” of its own. Its constitution actsof 1867 and 1982 are acts of the British Parliament. Its other constitutionaldocuments are proclamations of the British monarch.3. Canada does not have a territory. None of our land that it claims waslegally ceded to Britain. We never agreed to become part of the British Empireor the Canadian state.So quit your bitchin’ Canada! Face the facts of life. Every square inch ofland you’re standing on is ours. We are holding it in trust for our futuregenerations. You have no authority over us or our land. You can only bossaround your subjects. No us! Stop attacking us! Just about everythingyou’re doing is illegal! We ask you “How did you get authority over us and our land?” If you arehonest, you will have to answer, “Legally, we don’t. We have some badhabits. We have to stop threatening, assaulting, abusing, jailing and killingyou. We have to stop lying to you and about you. We have to learn how to followthe laws and live like civilized people.”
Ieri’wa:onni and MNN Staff
Ieri’wa:onni and MNN Staff
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